Laurie Colwin’s Buttermilk Cocoa Cake
Let’s get to the point: buttermilk cocoa cake requires no eggs. Not, mind you, that the eggs, or lack therof, were my motivation for baking buttermilk cocoa cake. What sent me paging through my ragged copy of More Home Cooking was a quart of buttermilk, bought with the best…
Butter-Poached Radishes
Very honestly, I am struggling with the importance of radishes at this moment. I know. Everyone needs a break from ugliness of reality. But offering that break without acknowledging the reality is troubling, to say the least. Friends, we are in serious trouble. And now, on with the show. —…
Carrot Rice
Carrot Rice has its origins in Sri Owen’s classic The Rice Book. I use Three Ladies Basmati rice, bought in five-pound bags. It is remarkable how quickly two people can go through five pounds of rice. — I have tinkered with the original recipe, but at its most basic,…
Slightly Spicy Chicken
Slightly spicy chicken is a reworking of Red Pepper Chicken Wings. We have been here before. Why rework a perfectly good recipe? A couple weeks ago, while trying to organize my desk, I found the original notes for Red Pepper Chicken Wings. and decided to make the recipe that very…
Ribollita, Italy’s soup of water, beans, greens, and bread, is one of the country’s many ingenious methods of using up stale bread. The inspiration for today’s post comes from Carol Field’s classic The Italian Baker. — Before going any further, the obvious must be stated: I am not Italian. I…
Black Beans and Rice
Don’t throw out the soaking water with all the minerals and flavor. Instead, throw out the book that tells you to do so. Melissa Hamilton and Christopher Hirsheimer, quoting Diana Kennedy, in Canal House Cooks The more you know about rice and beans, the more the dish inspires you as…
Broccoli Stuffed Baked Potatoes
I know, I know, the nineties called. They want their recipe back. Stay with me. We all remember–at least, those of us old enough to recall such things–the classic cheese/butter/sour cream/bacon versions of the stuffed baked potato. Delicious they are. But the world, to quote Stephen King out of context,…
A Simple Loaf of Bread
Essays about bread baking all begin the same way. How bread is no more than flour, water, yeast, and salt. How bread is an ancient staple. Words are intoned about staff of life. From there, it’s off to feed the poolish. — Now, there is bread baking at home, and…
Asian Style Noodle Soup with Greens
The inspiration for Asian Style Noodle Soup with Greens comes from Mollie Katzen’s Vegetable Heaven. While today’s recipe is quite different from Katzen’s, but I believe in credit where it’s due. If you are unfamiliar with Katzen’s books, I encourage you to seek them out. A friend lent me…