Chicken and Poultry

Three-Cup Chicken

December 10, 2016

A few weeks ago the IK attended a literary event sponsored by the San Francisco Chapter of Les Dames d’Escoffier. There numerous Bay Area authors–and a few non-Bay Area folk–gathered to meet, greet, and share nibbles the authors had prepared from their cookbooks, conveniently for sale on nearby tables. Said event…

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Quail with Israeli Couscous

November 30, 2016

As a writer, even as a child, long before what I wrote began to be published, I developed a sense that meaning itself was resident in the rhythms of words and sentences and paragraphs, a technique for witholding whatever it was I thought or believed behind an increasingly impenetrable polish….

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So…hi. I opened the blog just now and was astonished to see people are still reading…I mean, the prevailing wisdom out there in blogland is post regularly or wither on the virtual vine. And nobody can say I’ve been posting regularly lately. Thank you for reading anyway. Where’ve I been?…

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The NorCal Half Chicken

September 9, 2016

Sorry to vanish this week. The IK, or more accurately, the IK’s inhabitant, spent some unexpected time at her doctor’s office, where she learned postural orthostatic tachychardia syndrome is about far more than heat intolerance. It is suspected the IK’s inhabitant will live. She is grateful to her physician, and for…

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Meet Napa. Napa is not our cat. Napa was here when we arrived six years ago. I learned her name from a neighbor. Napa knows a sucker when she sees one. She sat on our fence, meowing imploringly until I caved. Ever since, she asks for food by sitting outside…

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Red Pepper Chicken Wings

August 3, 2016

Sunday Afternoon This post is nearly a year old. Well, not the post. It’s new. The handwritten draft and the recipe are nearly a year old: 9/5/15, to be exact. Somehow, this keeps slipping under the radar, three sheets of yellow notepaper migrating to the bottom of various piles in…

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Madly craving fiery udon noodles today. I can’t really say “for lunch” because I eat at odd hours: breakfasting before 6am means by 9:30 I am ravenous for what most people would call lunch. Around 1pm I might snack. Or not. We eat dinner around 6:30. It works. Anyway, I…

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Friday Food Quote

June 24, 2016

Self-explanantory and, we hope, a weekly event. Today, thinking of our friends across the pond, we bring you the very English Elizabeth David. From Summer Cooking: A chicken slow-roasted in the morning, left to cool, and eaten cold at lunch time can be a true treat. Kept until the next day…

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Wait a minute…didn’t we already discuss wonton ravioli? Well, yes, we did, back in February. But that was a different ravioli. And midway through Sunday’s filling and folding marathon, I happened on a new and, to my thinking, improved fill n’ fold method that saves time, energy, and wontonnage. Doubling…

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Vietnamese Chicken Curry

April 19, 2016

Discuss kitchen equipment with passionate cooks and witness attachment to the most unlikely objects. Laurie Colwin had her cracked Meissen plate, which held any number of solo eggplant concoctions (see “Alone in the Kitchen with an Eggplant”, Home Cooking). Amanda Hesser has her bone-handled forks. (Cooking for Mr. Latte, The Best Food Writing,…

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