Soups Without Recipes
There is nothing like soup. It is by its nature eccentric: no two are ever alike, unless of course you get your soup from cans. Laurie Colwin, “Soup”, Home Cooking Even we are exhorted to hoard every leftover scrap of food to craft innovative meals in a thrifty cycle of…
Deviled Eggs: notes, technique, and a recipe
Chances are you can hardboil an egg. But tell me, how are you at peeling that egg? Until recently, hardboiled eggs Chez IK looked like they’d won first place at the local tractor pull. Enter Gabrielle Hamilton, she of the dictatorial Prune Cookbook. Spend any time with this highly idiosyncratic…
Sinkless Salad (Dinner Chicken Salad)
The Insufficient Kitchen’s 70th post is occasioned by increasing insufficiency after the sink quit late Tuesday afternoon. Our plumber promised to appear Thursday morning. Alas, he called needing to postpone until Friday morning. Confident of my amateur plumbing skills, he talked me under the sink, coaching in the art of garbage disposal maintainance: “Just crank…
Plain Roast Duck
“Every once in a while, even the most sensible person gets a craving for roast duck.” Laurie Colwin, “The Duck Dilemma.” As I crave duck almost continually, I either lack sense (entirely possible) or was French in a past life (a preferable interpretation). People–and by people, I should specify Americans–tie…
Roast Chicken with Radishes and Parsley Sauce
Yesterday I, along with hundreds of others, learned details of my identity and bank account were hacked courtesy of my former employer’s antiquated computer system. They have retained an identity theft protection agency, ostensibly to rescue me–and everyone else–when somebody in Russia or China or wherever this happened tries buying a…
Warm Chicken Liver Salad
Friends, I’d like to share a theory with you. It’s called “The Theory Of Paid.” January 14th, in addition to celebrating the legacy of Martin Luther King, we observed the anniversary of the Northridge Earthquake. This 6.9 event took place at 4:31 a.m. in Northridge, California, on January 14, 1994….
Spicy, Lemony Chicken
As I was working on this post and the prior one–pork parmesan meatballs–news of David Bowie’s death spread across the world. I mean, the Vatican tweeted the lyrics to “Life On Mars”. Go ahead. Top that. Like most of the rest of the planet, I did not take this news…
Kitchen Kit and Singing Chickens
What follows is an unusually long post, and isn’t indicative of future writing. Given the holidays, I felt this was the time write about equipment, and perhaps take a risk with a longer piece. Feel free to skip to the end and check out the recipe for Chicken with…
Chicken with bacon, olives, and tomato sauce
Another blogger would be posting all kinds of holiday recipes now, specifically Chanukah recipes, as the first night is but four days away, and I am a fully-fledged member of the tribe. But… I’m going to assume you neither need nor want another recipe for challah with cilantro or latkes with…
Chicken Broth: A Note
You know that terrible feeling of having forgotten something? A vague niggling that sends you checking for keys or glasses or even outside to make sure the headlights are off? That was me last night with the broth recipe. At 1a.m., my ever helpful brain woke me: You left the giblets…