Kitchen Note: 100th post. Tomatoes. Zucchini.

July 22, 2016


Okay, yeah, so this is a food blog, right? I did say that, once upon a time. So, happy news. There is some, yes. The tomatoes have finally arrived.

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We’ve been doing nothing but eating them raw, sliced and salted with fresh Mozzarella. In between belts of bourbon.

There are plenty of cherry tomatoes, too. Those are getting oven-dried, eaten like candy, and sliced into salads.

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Beautiful cranberry beans, which sadly fade in cooking.


Last, zucchini fritters, the first I’ve made all summer. I ate an embarrassing number of these before John got home last night.

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Fly low and avoid the radar, as disc jockey Dusty Street used to say. (she may still be, for all I know. I hope so) At least the circus tents in Cleveland are coming down.