Never, ever, tempt the tooth fairy by publicly announcing how very well you feel post-oral-surgery. The past two weeks–three weeks?– are a blur. Suffice to say the Insufficient Kitchen turned into the Insufficient Sickroom, with your hostess lurching blindly from bed to dentist and back again. One CT scan, a…

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So…hi. I opened the blog just now and was astonished to see people are still reading…I mean, the prevailing wisdom out there in blogland is post regularly or wither on the virtual vine. And nobody can say I’ve been posting regularly lately. Thank you for reading anyway. Where’ve I been?…

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Brasato after Judy Rodgers

October 6, 2016

  10-7-16. I’d like to take an editorial moment here to thank a friend who notes that after all my hemming and hawing about the pig’s foot, below, I neglect to include it in the braise. Such are the perils of a one-woman show. I only wish I could pay…

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The IK is a many-imperfectioned blog. We will never offer fancy desserts, elegant photos of the artfully-arranged dishtowel variety, or get our act together in time to offer holiday-themed recipes. We’re just not that kind of site. Nor are we mad keen on posting photographs of ourselves. We realize how…

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Hazelnut Cakes

September 27, 2016

I write the day after the first 2016 Presidential Debate. And I am at a loss. Once upon a time, in the dark mists of the 1970’s, the Republican Party was sane. You could hold friendly discussions with its members. These discussions could even cover politics. Ideological disagreements did not…

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Asian Fish Cakes

September 20, 2016

Many of you know the woman behind the IK hails from Detroit. She is of Eastern European extraction. Sadly, she has never traveled to Asia, though she hopes to, one fine day. It may be surmised from the above that the IK has no expertise in matters Asian, culinary or…

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The IK returns…

September 19, 2016

Hi…..this is a blog called the Insufficient Kitchen! Every attempt is made to post regularly. At least once weekly, if not twice. Unfortunately, recent events have made that impossible. What’s the photo, you say? Why, it’s an oak floor. The very one that lurked, unbeknownst to everyone all these years, beneath…

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The NorCal Half Chicken

September 9, 2016

Sorry to vanish this week. The IK, or more accurately, the IK’s inhabitant, spent some unexpected time at her doctor’s office, where she learned postural orthostatic tachychardia syndrome is about far more than heat intolerance. It is suspected the IK’s inhabitant will live. She is grateful to her physician, and for…

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You’re wondering about the featured image, right? Last Sunday, some friends invited us out for dim sum in San Francisco. We took Bay Area Rapid Transit to the Montgomery Station, then hopped the 38 Geary MUNI, riding all the way across town to Ton Kiang Dim Sum, which is on…

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Nearly Nicoise Salad

August 31, 2016

The recipe authenticity argument is a deep, dark hole we’re not going down today. I mean, if you want to go, I won’t stop you, but you’re going alone. Suffice to say the IK is not remotely qualified to call her salads “Nicoise.” She’s never visited Nice, for starters. People who…

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