Okay, yeah, so this is a food blog, right? I did say that, once upon a time. So, happy news. There is some, yes. The tomatoes have finally arrived. We’ve been doing nothing but eating them raw, sliced and salted with fresh Mozzarella. In between belts of bourbon. There…

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Before going any further, this is Nigel Slater’s cheesecake. I tell you this because should you visit Mr. Slater’s website, as I often do, you might encounter this alarming sentence: “Litigators tenaciously protect Nigel Slater’s rights.” Believe me, I have no intention of violating Nigel Slater’s rights, or anyone else’s, for that…

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Kitchen Note: Bento Box

July 19, 2016

Tomorrow there will be a full post on cheesecake. For now, a quick note. Today I take a walk. It takes a good block before I achieve a normal gait instead of a shambling, arthritic lurch. Jesus, I must be a sight to behold. Middle-age wrapped in neoprene. Never mind. John…

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“Your x-rays look fine,” the physician assistant said. “No arthritis.” Saying an x-ray of my knee looks good is akin to saying the surface of the ocean appears calm. Then National G or some other science show, narrated by a fellow with a plummy Oxford accent, sends a pile of…

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Okra Pilau

July 12, 2016

Thursday evening the doorbell rang. Our visitors were two boys who live in the apartment building next door. Their basketball had sailed over the fence dividing our properties, landing in our yard. This is not an infrequent occurrence. These are nice kids–well-behaved and remarkably polite. I retrieved the ball, then led the…

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Spicy Lamb Burgers

July 5, 2016

Saturday night, in a surpassing gesture toward adulthood, I decided to update my operating system. You know, install all those niggling updates it’s constantly pestering me about: tightening up the operating system….honing safety and security….something about email…plus improving all those programs I’ve never opened, like GarageBand. I set the update…

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Potato Parsley Cakes

July 1, 2016

  Before getting to the recipe, this: On June 24th, Popmatters.com published my review of Kim Addonizio’s Bukowski In A Sundress.  She read it, was really pleased, and said so on Twitter, which thrilled me.  It’s a fantastic book, and I suggest you run to your nearest Indie bookstore and buy…

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Friday Food Quote

June 24, 2016

Self-explanantory and, we hope, a weekly event. Today, thinking of our friends across the pond, we bring you the very English Elizabeth David. From Summer Cooking: A chicken slow-roasted in the morning, left to cool, and eaten cold at lunch time can be a true treat. Kept until the next day…

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Vietnamese Beef Salad

June 23, 2016

Shopping list: port coffee scallions sugar green tea okra garlic limes tomatillos black beans from bulk bin lemongrass!!! A few days ago I found myself staring at my shopping list, bemused. Okra? Tomatillos? Port? Lemongrass? When did I become a person urgently in need of lemongrass? Not so long ago…

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When people think of assistive animals, dogs invariably come to mind. And while it’s true that service felines are few, we who are owned by cats know better. Lucy, for instance, helps John dress every morning. Those of you not cohabitating with wheelchair users likely have devoted little thought to…

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