Plain Roast Duck

March 17, 2016

“Every once in a while, even the most sensible person gets a craving for roast duck.” Laurie Colwin, “The Duck Dilemma.” As I crave duck almost continually, I either lack sense (entirely possible) or was French in a past life (a preferable interpretation). People–and by people, I should specify Americans–tie…

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March 14, 2016

My community college photography classmates would have decimated the shot below. After slowly feeding my ego through the wood-chipper for using color film, a choice signaling rank amateurism, the group would have settled in for a nice long discourse about compositional elements. Meaning ninety minutes on the blue rubber band. Fortunately, none…

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We here at the IK are peering out the window, where El Niño, conspicuously absent last month, has reappeared with a vengeance. We’re also working on a long-overdue book review for our editor at, where you may read our review of Bee Wilson’s excellent First Bite.  While there is indeed food…

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Before discussing today’s recipe, it is only fair to touch on the last post, wherein I ranted and raved about my failed attempt to enroll in an identity theft protection program. This was occasioned by the hacking of my former employer’s antiquated computer system. Alas, attempts to protect my identity…

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Yesterday I, along with hundreds of others, learned details of my identity and bank account were hacked courtesy of my former employer’s antiquated computer system. They have retained an identity theft protection agency, ostensibly to rescue me–and everyone else–when somebody in Russia or China or wherever this happened tries buying a…

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The past month featured both of us being told by surgeons that our new, annoying ailments required surgery except our respective weird diseases–which caused the ailments requiring surgical intervention–meant surgery was too risky to attempt. We should, therefore, watch, wait, and, it is assumed, worsen. The above two sentences required…

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Wonton Ravioli

February 23, 2016

    So I’m  on Pinterest. Sort of. I  mean, I have a few boards. I’m figuring it out. Heidi Swanson, she has, like 75 boards, and like her, they’re all intimidatingly beautiful. In fact, much of Pinterest is dauntingly perfect looking. From glossy interiors to chic outfits, to hear Pinterest…

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Lamb Chops With Lemon Potatoes

February 19, 2016

The first time I cooked lamb chops with lemon potatoes, I didn’t intend to blog the dish. When you have a food blog, meals fall into categories: destined to be blogged, never-ever, murky maybe. Then there’s a whole category entitled: this is just dinner. Of course these hastily assembled meals…

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Tortilla Pizzas

February 15, 2016

In the past month I’ve spent so much time in doctor’s offices that I considered renting a hospital room. Why not cut my commute, save gas, spend maximum time in my favorite staycation destination? Granted, there were drawbacks. Hospitals are amazingly crowded places. It’s kind of like going to a…

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Lemony Lemon Cookies

February 11, 2016

Yesterday John and I passed the morning in the doctor’s office. We’re a couple who really knows how to have a good time. The doctor’s waiting room, a windowless, dour space, was decorated for Valentine’s Day with sparkly paper hearts, wine gift bags (in a doctor’s office?), and tinselly garlands. Face…

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