A Picture Post
A picture post, because I won’t have time for a recipe before Thanksgiving. Apples. Lemongrass. Helen Goh’s Take Home Chocolate Cake, from Sweet. Sunrise, as seen out the study window. Frozen bacon. Borlotti Beans. Have a safe and happy holiday.
Nantucket Cranberry Pie
Nantucket Cranberry Pie is not a pie. It is a cake. How it came to be called Nantucket Cranberry Pie is something of a mystery: the recipe comes from Laurie Colwin’s More Home Cooking. There she describes the cake as coming from her friend Ann Gold, who inherited the recipe…
Pickled Grapes
As the holidays ramp up, so does the production of foods falling under the capacious, vague, generally alarming category of edibles labeled “great with a cheese platter.” Let’s not even discuss those foods that are “terrific with charcuterie!” Coming soon to a holiday table near you. Even the most cheese-loving…
Warm Farro Salad
Today’s post, as the world burns, is about warm farro salad. Farro, otherwise known as emmer wheat, has yet to experience the ruinous fame that has struck tahini, quinoa, and miso. Instead of picturing ruinous fame, I give you this funnel on my kitchen windowsill. By “ruinous fame,” think foodie…
No Churn Chocolate Ice Cream
For years I viewed no-churn ice creams as the poor relations of the frozen dessert world. My reasoning went like this: if I was going to eat ice cream, then I wanted to eat the real thing. By “the real thing,” think custard-based ice creams calling for six egg yolks…
A Photo Post
A great deal of cooking has transpired recently. None of it is especially notable. Instead, it is the kind of cooking, or more accurately, baking, that occurs when people know you bake and are in need of three dozen brownies for fundraising purposes. Helen Goh’s Take Home Chocolate Cake, prepared…
Canned Tomatoes
This is a long post. I know some people dislike reading long posts, but this one discusses how to safely can tomatoes. If you will never can a tomato in your lifetime, feel free to look at the photographs. If you want to can tomatoes but find my blow-by-blow…
Easy Blueberry Cake
I know what you’re thinking. It’s broiling outside, and I’m asking you to bake? Hear me out. Easy Blueberry Cake may be baked from a standing start, so to speak. The batter is mixed in a single bowl. The butter is melted, meaning it doesn’t need to be at room…
Hot Sauce at Home (Fake Sriracha)
The world divides into two kinds of people: those who must have Huy Fong Sriracha Sauce with every meal, and those who think people like us are lunatics . Well, pity us Sriracha lovers, for the rooster has fled the coop. And nobody knows when the bird will return. More…
Photo post
Hello all, It’s July 10th (now it’s the 11th) and I haven’t posted. This weighs on me. You, on the other hand, have better things to worry about. When not worrying, I visited the Berkeley Public Library. The blueberries, pictured above, were purchased for a recipe. Which did not work….